Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common, severe sleep disorder. At Harris Dental in Gilbert, AZ, we understand that patients with sleep apnea experience breathing problems while sleeping. Their breathing repeatedly stops and starts abruptly, causing them to gasp for breath throughout the night. This irregular breathing pattern lowers blood oxygen levels, leading to serious health issues, including cardiovascular problems, ADHD, and depression. Thus, it is important to seek out sleep apnea treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep apnea. Excess weight or obesity is a leading cause of OSA. The throat muscles relax, narrowing the airway during breathing. This results in insufficient air intake, causing blood oxygen levels to drop. The brain briefly awakens the patient to restore breathing, a cycle that repeats 5-30 times each hour, every night, impairing the ability to achieve deep, restful sleep.


While snoring is a common sleep apnea symptom, not everyone who snores suffers from it. Common symptoms include:

  • Loud and persistent snoring
  • Multiple pauses in breathing
  • Choking, gasping, or snorting sounds while breathing
  • Waking up with a dry throat almost daily
  • Daytime sleepiness accompanied by fatigue
  • Reduction in cognitive skills
  • Morning headaches and body pain
  • Frequent nighttime bathroom visits
  • Reduction in sexual desire


At Harris Dental, we recognize sleep apnea as a serious issue that can negatively affect cognitive ability, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke if left untreated. We offer various sleep apnea treatment methods, including:

Oral appliances

We provide custom-designed mouthpieces that enlarge the airway and promote proper, regular breathing. 

These include:

Mandibular repositioning mouthpieces: These devices cover both upper and lower dental arches, holding the jaw in position to prevent upper airway obstruction.


Child Snoring


Dr. Harris at Harris Dental in Gilbert, AZ, understands that a constricted airway can severely impact a child’s growth and development. We use 3D cone beam x-ray technology to take CT scans and evaluate every patient’s airway. This approach can often prevent obstructive sleep apnea and improve a child’s overall health.


Sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) are a silent health crisis affecting 50-70 million Americans, including children. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common SRBD in both children and adults.

If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, it may indicate an airway problem requiring immediate attention from our airway-focused dentist:

  • Snoring at night
  • Teeth clenching/grinding
  • Open mouth breathing
  • Sleeping with mouth open
  • Bedwetting
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness or hyperactivity
  • ADHD/ADD diagnosis
  • Crowded teeth

At Harris Dental, we’re committed to addressing sleep-related breathing issues in both children and adults in and around Gilbert, Mesa, and Chandler, AZ. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation and explore treatment options for better sleep and overall health.

Don't Let Sleep Issues Keep You Up At Night!

Modern dental techniques have made diagnosing and treating sleep-related breathing disorders more accessible and comfortable than ever before. Don’t let snoring or sleep apnea continue to impact your health and quality of life. At our practice serving Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler, and more, we’re equipped with the latest technology and expertise to address these issues effectively. Whether you’re an adult struggling with sleep apnea or a parent concerned about your child’s breathing during sleep, we’re here to help. Our team provides compassionate care in a welcoming environment, ensuring you feel comfortable throughout the evaluation and treatment process. If you have any questions about sleep apnea or other sleep-related breathing disorders, please contact us. When scheduling your appointment, let our staff know about your concerns. We’ll take the time to address your questions and tailor our approach to your specific needs. Remember, adequate sleep is essential for overall well-being. We’re here to help you and your family breathe easier and sleep better right here in Gilbert. Don’t let another restless night pass – contact us today to take the first step towards better sleep and improved health!


Sarah’s Story

“It has changed my confidence in many ways. I can smile more. [Dr. Joe Harris] has changed my life in more ways than I can ever tell him.”

Mary’s Story

“Before I used to hide my smile, and now I just can’t help but smile all the time!”

Nile’s Story

“It’s really brought me a lot of confidence that I didn’t even know I was lacking.”

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